My Favorite Mac Apps and Tools

Hey there! I’ve been using a Mac for years, and I want to share some brilliant tools I’ve found. These apps help me work better and make my Mac even more fantastic. Let’s have a look!

Apps That Make My Day Easier

1. MeetingBar

MeetingBar is like a tiny calendar in your menu bar. It shows when your next meeting is and how long your current meeting will last. Dead handy!

2. BetterTouchTool

I really missed the window snap feature from Windows when I first got a Mac. BetterTouchTool brings that back and does so much more! It’s like giving your Mac superpowers.

3. Caffeine

Ever had your Mac go to sleep when you’re in the middle of something important? Caffeine stops that from happening. Just click a little icon, and your Mac stays awake!

4. 1Password

Remembering passwords is tough. 1Password does it for you! It creates strong passwords, fills them in automatically, and even handles those tricky two-factor codes. It’s like a smart, secure notepad for all your login info.

Tools for Coding and Making Stuff

5. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is my favourite place to write code. It’s super fast and has brilliant features like editing multiple lines at once. I’ve set it up so I can use it right from the command line too!

6. asdf

If you work with different coding languages, asdf is a lifesaver. It lets you switch between different versions of languages easily. No more messed-up projects because of version conflicts!

7. Charles Proxy

Charles Proxy is like x-ray vision for your internet traffic. It lets you see what data apps are sending and receiving. Super useful for figuring out how apps work or fixing network problems.

8. mkcert

Setting up HTTPS for local testing used to be a pain. mkcert makes it easy! No more annoying browser warnings when you’re testing your websites locally.

Command-Line Magic

9. Ripgrep (rg)

Ripgrep is like a super-fast search tool for your code. It’s smart enough to ignore files you don’t want to search through, which saves a tonne of time.

10. JQ

If you work with JSON data, JQ is your new best mate. It helps you slice and dice JSON like a pro.

11. pbcopy and pbpaste

These built-in Mac tools let you copy and paste right from the command line. It’s surprisingly useful!

12. Bash

I know there are newer options, but I still love good old Bash. It’s like a comfy pair of shoes - familiar and gets the job done.

Keeping My Mac Happy

13. Disk Inventory X

When your Mac runs out of space, Disk Inventory X helps you find the culprits. It shows your files as colourful blocks, making it easy to spot what’s taking up all that room.

14. The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver opens pretty much any kind of compressed file. It’s like a skeleton key for archives!

15. GPG Suite

GPG Suite helps you create and manage special keys for signing your code and keeping your data safe. It makes complicated encryption stuff much easier.

Network Tools

16. Angry IP Scanner

Need to find devices on your network? Angry IP Scanner is your go-to tool. It’s like a radar for your local network.

Bonus Tools

17. kubectx and kubens

If you work with Kubernetes, these tools make switching between different setups super easy. It’s like changing TV channels, but for your Kubernetes environments!


While not a Mac app, is amazing for quick image edits. It’s like having Photoshop in your browser, and it’s free!

That’s my list of favourite Mac tools! These apps and utilities have made my work easier and more fun. Give them a try - you might find some new favourites too!